PART SELECTION PIB (Procera® Implant Bridge)

Intermediary abutment

The Procera implant bridge name would make it appear only Nobel Biocare implants can be restored in this way and historically Nobel was the first company to promote this style of restoration, almost any implant system can be restored in this way. Regardless of the production method (wax up or CAD-CAM), if the implants are set very deep (more than 2mm) under the tissue it becomes necessary to place intermediary abutments specially designed for screw retained restorations. These abutments are already placed by the restorative dentist and impressed with special impression copings or the laboratory will select appropriate collar height abutments for screw retained restorations. The UCLAs as well as the analogs for screw retained abutments are designed differently than UCLAs that screw directly to the implant or fixture level analogs and are not interchangeable.

1. Wax and cast

Non indexing UCLAs

A PIB frame has to be waxed and cast with non engaging UCLAs. All plastic or gold plastic combinations are utilized for this type of restoration. All plastic parts are considerably cheaper but sacrifice the precision fit of gold plastic combination UCLAs. Choose appropriate platform diameter UCLAs from the implant manufacturer or clone parts. Implant placement is critical in in the facial-lingual plane because the screw access holes should come through the center of the occlusal surface for posterior teeth and the lingual for anterior teeth. Implant placement in the mesio-distal plane is less critical. Vertical clearance needs to be carefully evaluated to leave enough room for the single cementable crowns.


Verification index

Modern CAD CAM technology enables the manufacture of titanium frame works machined from one piece titanium disks without the purchase of UCLA abutments or metal cost. As with a waxed frame work, the use of intermediary abutments may be indicated. The abutment to implant interface is machined in a non engaging fashion. A verification index made with non engaging metal temporary abutments is highly recommended because it is almost impossible to laser weld a titanium frame. The verification index needs to be tried in the patients mouth to ensure the working model is accurate.

Nobel Biocare™, Procera®

Laboratories with Procera® capabilities are able to copy mill a bar design for Replace®, Active®, Branemark® and a few select competitor implant brands. Process the mock up with non engaging metal temporary abutments. Scan master model and prototype mock up with a Forte scanner and transmit data to Nobel Biocare™.